1)Utilize a monitor arm

Buying yourself a monitor arm is hell easier than buying a big desk. It can hold both of your monitors firmly creating an extra space on your desk. The plus point is that the arm is moveable so you can adjust it at any angle you are comfortable at. It can be hooked at the bottom of the desk leaving ample space behind.

2)Place monitors in a V-shape

Placing monitors in a v-shape is perhaps the most creative idea of increasing the space. For this, you'll need to place your desk in the corner of your room.

The monitors should somehow be placed at the center so you don't have to turn your neck from side to side more frequently. Although there are still chances of neck pain while struggling for a proper view.

3)Clamp mount

Some people rely on clamp mount too to get extra space. This tool can easily support two monitors on a tiny desk. The monitors are slightly above your desk giving a lot of space for your bits and bobs.

4)Attach a wooden piece to your desk

Well, if the above mentioned measures are not working out for you, there's another thing you can do. Take a piece of wood and attach it to your table by fastening with screws, keeping in mind that it should be firmly attached so it can hold both of your monitors with ease. This will definitely be beneficial for you as you'd obviously get enough space to fit in two monitors. 

5)Space-saving monitors

Space-saving monitors would be another perfect solution to this. Many space-saving monitors are available in the market which can conveniently fit onto your tiny desk.

6) Monitor stand

A monitor stand can also be used which not only gives you enough space but also makes your desk appear much organized. This way your desk won't be overcrowded enabling a distraction-free environment that will boost your efficiency.

Organize your desk

As your desk lacks enough area to hold monitors and other accessories, organizing it wisely can solve your space problem to a far extent.

Mess on the desk will result in nothing except a bad mood leading to inefficiency during gaming. Follow these tips to get rid of a messy table and get a productive workspace. 

Firstly, put away paraphernalia you don't need oftenly, this will give you sufficient extra space very easily. Store these gadgets aside from your desk in a neat way.

Next, place the materials which are regularly used at the reach of your hand. These can be placed at your table tidily. Don't overcrowd your desk as it gives a messy look that has a negative impact on your overall performance. Manage your cables neatly and put away less required stuff behind monitors or in drawers.

The keyboard and mouse should be placed at a position where wrist and shoulder strain can be minimized. Its placement should give high comfort to your wrist and shoulder.